Investigating TrioMacan

MANY people were relieved after the arrest of three administrators of TrioMacan's Twitter account. As a result of reports by Indonesian Telecommunication, Telkom, and Abdul Satar to the police, Raden Nuh, Edi Syahputra and Harry Koeshardjono are now behind bars at the Jakarta Police. The three were charged with libel and extortion that could result in 12 years in prison. Police also charged Raden Nuh and Harry with money laundering.

Nuh, Edi, and Harry allegedly spread slander through @TrioMacan2000. They accused a Telkom official, with the initials AY, of collusion in an Information Ministry local internet project. Satar, CEO of TBIG-Telkom, reported TrioMacan and co for allegedly publishing false information on Twitter and affiliated online media.

November 18, 2014

Apakah penindakan hukum atas akun Twitter Triomacan dapat menyeret akun-akun lain yang melakukan tindak kejahatan melalui Internet?
82,2% 291
12,4% 44
5,4% 19
Total (100%) 354

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