The Cipali Solution

THE tradition of returning to one's native village at Lebaran or the Eid holiday essentially involves moving heavy traffic from big cities to different areas of the country. Last year, more than 30 million people went home almost all at once to their home villages. In Java, the exodus caused roads on the north and south coasts to be very congested. Eleven to 19 hours of traffic jam could not be avoided.

July 7, 2015

Will the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road reduce traffic during the holiday period, when millions of people return to their hometowns for Idul Fitri?
(78.9%) 648
(18.1%) 149
(3%) 24
Total (100%) 821

THE tradition of returning to one's native village at Lebaran or the Eid holiday essentially involves moving heavy traffic from big cities to different areas of the country. Last year


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