Relocating River-Dwellers to High Rises

THE rivers in Jakarta are in a state of severe neglect. Since Jakarta city planning is a mess and the government suffers from corruption, residents are forced to build their homes along the filthy rivers. As a result, the rivers are becoming narrower and shallower, and are buckling under the load of garbage.

River dwellers understand that every rainy season the floods will come. The Jakarta government has built high-rise buildings for them to move into, thus making it possible pursue river clean-up and normalization. It was only during the governorship of current Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama that the relocation of these riverside inhabitants succeeded. Three weeks ago, Kampung Pulo residents were relocated to Jatinegara Barat high rises.

September 8, 2015

Should riverside slums in Jakarta be torn down and its inhabitants relocated to apartments?
(96.7%) 3,165
(2.6%) 86
(0.7%) 24
Total (100%) 3,275

THE rivers in Jakarta are in a state of severe neglect. Since Jakarta city planning is a mess and the government suffers from corruption, residents are forced to build their homes along the filthy rivers. As a result, the rivers


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