PKI, the Ghost that Won't Go Away

HISTORY has proven that communism is unable to mature in most societies. Currently, only a few countries still practice the ideology, with some adjustments. For instance, Vietnam adopted capitalism in 1986 through their Doi Moi policy. China, too, has slipped in democratic principles into its government.

What about Indonesia? Officially, a 1966 People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) provision remains in force, meaning communism is banned. However, security forces and several mass organizations insist communism is coming back. To eradicate the perceived-some would say manufactured-threat, they have confiscated t-shirts, books with 'leftist' teachings and even shut down discussions and films about the lives of political prisoners.

May 24, 2016

Do you think communism is on the rise?
(36.9%) 434
(61.3%) 722
(1.8%) 21
Total (100%) 1,177

HISTORY has proven that communism is unable to mature in most societies. Currently, only a few countries still practice the ideology, with some adjustments. For instance, Vietnam adopted capitalism in 1986 through their Doi Moi policy. China, too, has slipped in democratic princip


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