Golkar Not Likely to Improve

A COMEDY. This seems to be the proper way to describe the recent Golkar Party chairman election.

Setya Novanto, a former party treasurer and disgraced speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), won the election somewhat anticlimactically. His closest challenger was Ade Komarudin, the current DPR speaker.

May 31, 2016


Will Golkar Party be better under Setya Novanto's leadership?
(16.6%) 337
(80.2%) 1,625
(3.2%) 63
Total (100%) 2,025

A COMEDY. This seems to be the proper way to describe the recent Golkar Party chairman election.

Setya Novanto, a former party treasurer and disgraced speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), won the election somewhat anticlimactically. His closest


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