Proper Procedures for Disbanding HTI

THE controversy on Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia's (HTI) dissolution continues. Maswadi Rauf, a political observer from the University of Indonesia, believes dispersing HTI is not an infringement on democracy; however, the government must first prove that the Muslim organization has violated Indonesia's five guiding principles, Pancasila. "If there is evidence, I don't see a problem," said Maswadi. "Taking fundamental rights away from the guilty is within reason." A thief's basic rights, for example, are taken away (as punishment) when he violates public order, he explained.

June 6, 2017

Do you think Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) should be legally disbanded?
80.2% 929
1.9% 22
17.9% 207
Total (100%) 1.158

THE controversy on Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia's (HTI) dissolution continues. Maswadi Rauf, a political observer from the University of Indonesia, believes dispersing HTI is not an infringement on democracy; however, the government must first prove that the Muslim organi


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