The Birth of Timor Loro Sa'e

The news came from New York last Monday morning: the United Nations has officially set 20 May 2002 as the independence day of Timor Loro Sa'e, formerly known as East Timor. This will provide the East Timorese with a more complete identity as an independent nation. Torn by a military invasion and civil war that raged for years, Timor Loro Sa'e was officially freed from Indonesia in 1999. These days the people of Timor Loro Sa'e are up against a host of new enemiespoverty, crime and social inequalities. So, whether it wants to or not, this nation on the eastern edge of Timor island has begun to study "land measurement" long before it becomes an independent nation in its own right. Several TEMPO journalists visited Timor Loro Sa'e last August with the purpose of recording some of these symptoms up close. Following is the report they compiled.

October 30, 2001

In front of a house that juts out prominently in an alley-way, about 15 youths are gathered together. A number of them sit and others stand, all of them keeping a cautious eye over their surroundings. They do not wear uniforms, nor do they have any medals indicating rank. The only thing suggesting that they are currently carrying out a "duty" is the black ribbons adorning their left breasts. These youths are not loose cannons looking to start t


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