The Rebirth of Srimulat

The creator of Srimulat, Teguh Slamat Rahardjo, tried to bring the group to an end in 1990. Nevertheless, srimulatisma term to describe a certain type of humor, way of joking and body gestures, as well as certain scenes performed by the Srimulat comedy groupis to this day still popular. It is not only its members who keep the Srimulat recipe for comedy alive but also many non-members as well. Teguhs son Eko Saputro is preparing Srimulat to become a truly professional comedy group.

September 7, 2011

AFTER a tiring day messing about with the hydrogen fuel engine in their Mitsubishi car Eko Saputro and Sony Adi Setyawan are relaxing as they chat at the Manahan Angkringan in Solo. Eko Saputro, who is usually known as Koko, is the oldest son of Teguh Slamet Rahardjo, one of the creators of the oldest comedy group in Indonesia: Srimulat.

The talk about Srimulats end in 2007 was followed by a discussion about the book written about Srimulat. Sony A


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