Once the largest hard-line Islamic group in Egypt, the Ikhwanul Muslimin has turned moderate. Abandoning violence, this organization chose the parliamentary road in the struggle to uphold Islam. They supported the Taleban in the past, will they side with the Taleban if the US attacks Kabul? A report from Cairo:

October 2, 2001

"O Ikhwanul Muslimin!

...the world has witnessed worrying events and situations. Recently,an ammunitions warehouse exploded and the earth was ignited by the fire of war, yet men think they live on a safe and peaceful world..."

(Hasan al-Banna in Chronicles of the Ikhwanul Muslimin Movement)

Hasan Al-Banna was murdered 52 years ago but his spirit lives on. A symbol of the Egyptian resistance movement against English colonialism, he founded the


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