Karawang, Holy City from the Past

THE boisterous dot on the north coast of West Java is known as one of the industrial centers on Java Island. Called Karawang, the identity of this city has truthfully not shifted since days gone past. Centuries ago Karawang was the center of the international trade traffic in northern Java. But one aspect that made Karawang shine through in old historical notes is its role as a fertile and harmonious seedbed for some five religions. From the era of the Tarumanagara Kingdom (5th-7th century AD) until today, the harmonious attitude in practicing religion is faithfully maintained by the residents of Karawang. How do they do that? Follow the report of TEMPO journalist Ali Anwar, who mingled with the local community for more than four weeks.

June 15, 2004

Bul kukus ngalun ka manggung
Nyambuang ka awang-awang
Mugi dugi ka sanghiang
Amit ampun nya paralun

(Smoke from the incense billows, slowly up
Scatters to the universe
Hopefully it will reach the god
Please have mercy and forgiveness)

SMOKE still wafts from the incense stick in the dressing room of the Batujaya jaipongan art group. A sinden (female singer in a gamelan orchestra) is singing the Kembang Gadungan opening song before the festivity star


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