Guten Morgen, Kang Genong!

HUNDREDS of Indonesians accused of involvement in what is known as the September 30 Movement (G30S) in 1965 are living in exile in many countries in Europe. Some live a good life, others are poor. Many try to forget the tragic event, others continue to keep the memory alive. Last December Tempo journalist Arif Zulkifli visited Indonesian exiles in two cities: Berlin in Germany and Prague in the Czech Republic.

February 28, 2006

THE brief meeting seemed awkward and funny. Wolfram Zunzer and I met at the entrance to the Potsdamerplatz subway station in Berlin one rainy afternoon in mid-December last year. Kario Karsono accompanied me to the station which is located in the heart of the city.

The three of us met at the end of the subway steps. I talked in English with Zunzer and in Indonesian with Karsono. Karsono, who did not speak English, spoke in German. I did not speak


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