The Curse of the Minto Stone

Under a large tanjung (Mimusops elengi) tree whose sprawling roots have breached the surface of the ground lies a pile of variously sized andesitic rocks that form a punden shrine. Locals in the Kajang hamlet of Mojorejo village in Junrejo subdistrictsome five kilometers from Batu City in East Javacall it the Mojorejo, or Sangguran Punden. A stone pillar engraved with old Javanese script, known as the Sangguran Prasasti, ought still be standing atop the shrine. But long ago it was taken away.

Nearly 1,087 years ago, in the month of Srawana (850 Saka), the pillar was placed here in Mojorejo village as a boundary marker.

May 5, 2015

Under a large tanjung (Mimusops elengi) tree whose sprawling roots have breached the surface of the ground lies a pile of variously sized andesitic rocks that form a punden shrine. Locals in the Kajang hamlet of Mojorejo village in Junrejo subdistrictsome five kilometers from Batu City in East Javacall it the Mojorejo, or Sangguran Punden. A stone pillar engraved with old Javanese script, known as the Sangguran Prasasti, ought still be standing a


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