Recently, there was a new discovery. Professor Douglas Kammen, a researcher from the prestigious Cornell University at Ithaca, in the United States, has concluded that the motive behind all the killings was purely economics. The real victims were not dukun santet, but landlords who were murdered by their farm laborers who perceived them as tyrants. Also, the scene of slaughter was often in rice-rich areas. Is that so?

January 8, 2002

KILLING FIELDS". This doesn't refer to the scene made famous by the novel and film of the same title. The region consisting of Banyuwangi, Jember, Situbondo, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, and Pasuruan in East Java—known as the Horseshoe area because on the map it resembles a horseshoe—deserves to be given the same epithet as Cambodia because that was where a series of mysterious killings took place throughout 1


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