Endriartono Sutarto: "TNI Doesn’t Want To Be Trapped"

The firm jaw and sharp gaze give the impression of a trained soldier. The many experiences in his nearly 54 years have left their trace in the lines on his forehead. He speaks frankly about serious matters, but when the subject is not serious, or when he jokes, the down-to-earth side of Endriartono Sutarto comes out.

February 27, 2001

Tono, as he his friends call him, is never pretentious. He was born in Purworejo, East Java. A 1971 graduate of the Military Academy, he has been called a professional soldier who stays away from politics. He was in the Army’s Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad) for 20 years. He became operational assistant to the Jakarta Military Command chief of staff in 1993, chief of Military Command 173 in Irian Jaya in 1994 and a year later went back


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