Haji Moehammad Noer: "The Madurese must respect the Dayaks"

Being Madurese and being part of the government bureaucracy runs in the blood and soul of Moehammad Noer. East Java's governor from 1967-1978, he found it his vocation to be a government bureaucrat when he graduated in 1939 from MOSVIA, a school run by the Dutch colonial ruler to train regional administration officials. During his long tenure—from his first appointment as a regional administration official in Sumenep to the position of Governor of East Java—he always devoted himself to the people and prioritized their interests. "I'm a khadam, a people's servant," he says.

January 8, 2002

Born 13 January 1918 in Sampang, he was successful in ensuring East Java, one of Indonesia's poorest provinces, a place in the group of `fairly rich' provinces.

Besides, Cak Noer, as he is more familiarly known, is also proud of being Madurese. The Madurese, says the father of eight, with 20 grandchildren and a great-grandchild to boot, are hard working, persevering and good at heart as long as their dignity is not wounded and they are trea


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