Professor Dr. Harun Alrasid:"How can a lower legal regulation possibly compete against a higher one?"

Many figures close to President Abdurrahman Wahid, better known as Gus Dur, have left his side. Harun Alrasid, the president's `spearhead' amid the threats of his political rivals in the House of Representatives (DPR), is one more. In the political drama which reached its climax last week—between the issuing of a declaration, rumors of a decree, and radical cabinet changes—he resigned as the president's legal advisor.

June 5, 2001

"A presidential declaration is an important decision, but I wasn't asked for any opinion whatsoever," he said.

Although it will have little effect upon the political landscape, it is estimated that Harun's resignation—a figure known for his high integrity—will cause the president to lose face at a time when he needs it most. Despite his resignation, Harun still holds that two memorandums issued by the DPR, which have driven a s


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