Fajar Merah, Musician: Human Rights Violators Are Cowards
FAJAR Merah is back with story-telling at the Lokananta music studio in Solo, Central Java. But unlike in his previous album, he is no longer telling stories set to music from the poetry of his father, Wiji Thukul.
January 28, 2020
In this album, titled Nyanyian Sukma Lara (Songs of a Soul in Comtemplation), Fajar and his band, Merah Bercerita, formed in 2010, have decidedly broken out of their comfort zone and freed themselves from the long shadow of Wiji Thukul. Fajar said this second album is an achievement. “I am in a different class from Wiji Thukul, I have different topics, use a different language. And I can’t force other people to consider my work