Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency: We Pay Attention to Green Economy

National economy crippled by the Covid-19 has left very little room for the government to maneuver as the country slowly sank into recession. Like in many other countries, the hegovernment will focus the next year’s development agenda on the economic recovery.


December 7, 2020

THE “We’re currently focusing on managing the pandemic and providing social buffers for the poor,” said Suharso Monoarfa, the national development planning minister as well as chief of the National Planning Agency (Bappenas), during a special interview with Tempo on December 2 and 3.

Suharso, 65, said the pandemic had not only claimed lives but also cost 2.67 million people their jobs. As the public’s income plunged,


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