Lowering the Bar

The decision to disbar lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis, who had been acting as an advocate, by the Ethics Committee of the Jakarta chapter of the Indonesian Bar Association (Peradi) has been denounced by several quarters. Senior lawyer Adnan Buyung Nasution has asked Todung to ignore the decision. Starting from a dispute over the Sugar Group in Lampung, the battle has widened to include lawyers everywhere.

May 27, 2008

A FLURRY of questions rained down on lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis. Sent by telephone, text message and facsimile, they all asked the same thing: the story behind the revoking of the lawyer’s license of this famous lawyer by the Ethics Committee of the Jakarta Peradi on Friday two weeks ago.

Questions also rolled in from overseas. They included, among others, officials from the American Bar Association, which has its office in Chicago, the Interna


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