Nasi Pecel for Aulia

For the first time, Aulia Pohan is questioned as a suspect. Indonesia Corruption Watch is urging the Corruption Eradication Commission to immediately arrest the father-in-law of President Yudhoyono’s son. The reason, there is clear evidence indicating that the former Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor was involved in the disbursement of funds from the Indonesian Banking Development Foundation.

November 11, 2008

TAKEAWAY nasi pecel—rice with vegetable salad and peanut dressing—has become Aulia Tantowi Pohan’s regular lunchtime fare. On Monday last week, forced to eat without a plate—well in fact none was provided—the man born in Palembang 63 years ago ravenously devoured the menu provided by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). There was nothing left in the box except the spinach. Aulia had a reason for this. He suffe


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