The Untouchables

Former Minister of Justice & Human Rights Yusril Ihza Mahendra and Hartono Tanoesoedibyo, the owner of PT Sarana Rekatama Dinamika, remain untouched by the corruption case involving access revenues from the Legal Division Administrative System. Evidence collected from documents shows their involvement and the important roles they played in the corruption.

March 10, 2010

ZULKARNAEN Yunus, 57, frowned as soon as his former secretary, Aan Danu Giartono, answered the question of prosecutor Jefri Makapeduat. The answer differed to his statement in the investigation report.

According to Aan, the order to give monthly “honorarium” of Rp5 million to the Director-General of Legal Administration in the Justice & Human Rights Department came from Zulkarnaen, who that time was the director-general. However, in the inve


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