Tuned to Tutut

The first round of the battle between Siti Hardijanti Rukmana and Hary Tanoesoedibjo is over. The court said that Hary’s ownership of TPI was invalid and Tutut was declared the owner of this television station now called MNC TV. Hary Tanoe has not yet surrendered.

April 20, 2011

HARRY Ponto quickly dialed a number on his cellular telephone. A moment later this lawyer put the phone to his ear. Ringing was heard and the person he was calling answered the phone. “We have won. The court decided in favor of Ibu’s lawsuit,” said Harry. Their discussion lasted less than five minutes. “She only said Alhamdulillah (praised be God) because she did not imagine that the outcome would be like this,” said Harry to Tempo.



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