Different Article for Susi

Throughout her trial, Susi Tur Andayani seemed unmoved. Never did she appear down or stressed out, even as the judge read out her sentence last week. Throughout her trial, the woman accused of helping fix regional head election dispute cases mostly just sat relaxed in her chair while fiddling her fingers.

Occasionally, Susi would sit up to rearrange her glasses and straighten her purple headscarf. When the head of the panel of five judges, Gosyen Butar Butar, rapped his gavel and announced the verdict-five years behind bars and a Rp150 million fine-Susi only tilted her head and sighed briefly. When Gosyen asked for her response, she answered concisely, "I will think it over first, your honor."

July 1, 2014

Throughout her trial, Susi Tur Andayani seemed unmoved. Never did she appear down or stressed out, even as the judge read out her sentence last week. Throughout her trial, the woman accused of helping fix regional head election dispute cases mostly just sat relaxed in her chair while fiddling her fingers.

Occasionally, Susi would sit up to rearrange her glasses and straighten her purple headscarf. When the head of the panel of five judges, Gosye


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