Toothless Judicial Commission

Five student activists arrived at the Jakarta Police's Service Centerlate in the evening Tuesday last week. They were there to report a suspected abuse of power in the Constitutional Court's recent decision on the selection of judges for first-instance courts. "We observed impropriety in the decision-making session," said Secretary-General of the Jakarta Law Students Movement (GMHJ), Lintar Fauzi, on Wednesday last week.

Farhan Ali, Victor Santoso Tandiasa, and Alfian Akbar Balianan joined Linhar as reporting parties. They questioned the court's ruling handed down a fortnight ago which granted a request by the Indonesian Judges Association (Ikahi) to examine the first-instance court judges.

October 20, 2015

Five student activists arrived at the Jakarta Police's Service Centerlate in the evening Tuesday last week. They were there to report a suspected abuse of power in the Constitutional Court's recent decision on the selection of judges for first-instance courts. "We observed impropriety in the decision-making session," said Secretary-General of the Jakarta Law Students Movement (GMHJ), Lintar Fauzi, on Wednesday last week.

Farhan Ali, Victor Santoso Tan


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