Confessions of a Corruptor

When then Subang Regent Ojang Sohandi heard of a report on the embezzlement of Subang Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) funds to the West Java Police, he was perplexed. Immediately, he contacted Adj. Sr. Comr. Teddi Kusnandar-an associate at the intelligence department of the police-and asked to meet. This was in early January 2015.

Ojang had known Teddi since 2013, and the two agreed to meet at the Trans Studio Mall in Bandung. Teddi was accompanied by Adj. Sr. Comr. Yayat Popon Rukhiyat, head of the subdirectorate of corruption of the Bandung Police.

June 28, 2016

When then Subang Regent Ojang Sohandi heard of a report on the embezzlement of Subang Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS) funds to the West Java Police, he was perplexed. Immediately, he contacted Adj. Sr. Comr. Teddi Kusnandar-an associate at the intelligence department of the police-and asked to meet. This was in early January 2015.

Ojang had known Teddi since 2013, and the two agreed to meet at the Trans Studio Mall in Bandung. Teddi


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