A Heartbreaking Marijuana Story

A cannabis therapy patient in West Kalimantan died following her husband's arrest. The National Narcotics Agency refuses to be held responsible.

April 11, 2017

YENI Rahmawati sobbed as she asked the whereabouts of her husband, Fidelis Arie Suderwato, on a Saturday, late March. "Where did Mas Fidelis go," asked Yeni, who was lying in a hospital bed at the M. Th. Djaman General Hospital in Sanggau, West Kalimantan, as recounted by her sister-in-law Yohana Suyati. "Why hasn't he visited me again?"

Since Yeni was hospitalized on February 19, Fidelis only came once. Family members agreed not to tell Yeni the tru


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