The Judge’s Legacy

Supreme Court Justice Artidjo Alkostar retired in May. Artidjo, known for delivering heavy sentences for corruptors, pioneered the Supreme Court’s reform. Some of his decisions have remained controversial.


June 4, 2018


Last Monday, a Madurese song called Olle Ollang, sung by a female vocalist, was heard emanating from Artidjo Alkostar's office on the fifth floor of the Supreme Court building. The Supreme Court justice, who retired on May 22, seemed completely absorbed in the song playing via YouTube, occasionally drawing his breath with an inhaler to clear his dry cough. Artidjo was still going to the office to conclude some unfinished work.

There was no stack


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June 4, 2018


June 4, 2018


June 4, 2018


June 4, 2018