Clandestine Tactics of the Former Adjutant

The appointment of Insp. Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo as Chief of the Police Criminal Investigation Division is said to be the direct result of his closeness with President Joko Widodo. He has often been Jokowi’s envoy to tamp down various conflicts. He was once refused by the community to head a region because he was a Catholic, Sigit instead is very adept in embracing the ulama (cleric).

Wayan Agus Purnomo

December 17, 2019


SOME 3,000 ulamas from the All-Banten Salafiyah Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Council gathered at Petir village, Serang, in Banten, in mid-November. The meeting agenda was to pray for guidance from the Almighty. But the news of the appointment of Insp. Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the former Banten Police chief, to be chief of the National Police Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim) instead became the main topic of conversation of the


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December 17, 2019


December 17, 2019


December 17, 2019


December 17, 2019