East Sumba Regent Gidion Mbilijora: There are No Human Rights Violations

The opening of sugarcane plantations in East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, by Muria Sumba Manis (MSM), a company affiliated with the Djarum and Wings groups, sparked conflicts with some Marapu followers.


September 28, 2020

ALTHOUGH several institutions have criticized the East Sumba Regency administration and MSM’s treatment towards the worshippers, sugarcane planting is still ongoing. Thus, frictions between the Marapus and MSM also continue. East Sumba Regent Gidion Mbilijora spoke with Tempo reporter Budiarti Utami Putri in his office on Thursday, August 13. Gidion was confident that the permit for MSM was issued according to procedures.

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