Tale of a 'Cowardly' Writer

Putu Wijaya, one of Indonesia's most prolific writers, will leave a long trail. In his enduring career, this all-round writer who turned 70 last April 11, has been active as author, journalist, short story writer, playwright and dramatist, and most recently as a painter. He has written at least 30 novels, 40 plays, hundreds of television scripts and thousands of short stories. Putu was the man who coined the term dangdut (Indonesian pop music with heavy Indian overtones). Even after a debilitating stroke , he continues to actively write and direct stage performances.

To celebrate his birthday, a series of activities were conducted. His theater gems, Bila Malam Bertambah Malam ('As Night Turns Even Darker'), Hah and Jepret! were performed at Salihara Theater by his repertory theater, Teater Mandiri. His paintings were exhibited at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, a competition was held at the Indonesia Kaya Gallery to perform his monologues and poetry, and a biography is in the offing. He has been consistent in his themes: work with what's available and conduct mental terrorism. Putu spoke at length wih Tempo's Ananda Badudu.

April 22, 2014

Public school teachers used to be a tough, disciplined lot. They carried with them a rattan switch and would strike misbehaving students at will. Noone dared leave class if the bell had not sounded. When I was in third grade in Tabanan, Bali, I once accidentally pooped in my pants because I was afraid to ask permission to leave the class. Everybody remained unaware, except that the whole class stank.

In fact, no one knew anything had happened u


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