Exploring the Country with Nyak Ina Raseuki

Nyak Ina Raseuki – better known as Ubiet – has launched a pop music album in cooperation with Dotty Nugroho. Archipelagongs, the first compilation, is packed with traces of ethnic music from various parts of the country.

September 25, 2000

Nyak Ina Raseuki is a seeker. Through music and songs, Ubiet – as she is familiarly called -- searches for sounds. Supported by The New Jakarta Ensemble at Taman Ismail Marzuki arts center three years ago, she excited the audience with her unique vocal gift for soprano and with a strange voice flowing from her mouth.

That song, Real Emptiness is a Tranquil Sea, composed by Tony Prabowo and Jarrad Powell, was vocalized in a way unfamiliar


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