Santoso's Last Gasp?

A police action in Gayatri hamlet, Poso, Central Sulawesi, on Sunday two weeks ago has the group led by Santoso, alias Abu Wardah, with its back against the wall. Two platoons of the police's Mobile Brigade (Brimob) attacked seven men believed to be group members as dusk fell.

June 9, 2015

A police action in Gayatri hamlet, Poso, Central Sulawesi, on Sunday two weeks ago has the group led by Santoso, alias Abu Wardah, with its back against the wall. Two platoons of the police's Mobile Brigade (Brimob) attacked seven men believed to be group members as dusk fell.

Central Sulawesi Police Chief Brig. Gen. Idham Aziz said intelligence reports had indicated seven members would be coming down from the mountain to collect logistics and su


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