Circumventing the Human Rights Court

THE offer was put on the table by Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo in a meeting at the coordinating ministry for politic, justice and security affairs in May. National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chief Ahmad Taufan Damanik recalls that during that meeting Prasetyo first offered solutions for serious past human rights violations that occurred after the turn of this century. “That made sense,” Damanik said last Wednesday, repeating his reply to the offer.


October 23, 2018

According to him, they had agreed upon solutions for two cases by forming an ad hoc human rights court: the Wasior and Wamena cases, which both occurred in Papua shortly after the millennium. For Komnas HAM, Taufan said, the formation of a human rights court is a dream-come-true. Since the reformasi era, this kind of court has only been set up three times: for the cases of Tanjung Priok, East Timor, and Abepura. “The formation of a human ri


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