Ali Sadikin of acts and mirror

Bang Ali legalized gambling. He used taxes collected from the gamblers to build the Ismail Marzuki Art Center where artists can create and perform and the Legal Aid Institute in which human rights activists may come to the defense of the underprivileged—a mirror into which he may look and see if he himself had done wrong. He was full of controversy, but also a success story. He was popular, but brave enough to be unpopular. Farewell, Bang Ali.

May 27, 2008

ONE day in December 2007. At his home on Jalan Borobudur in Central Jakarta, that morning Ali Sadikin had dressed up early and neatly combed his hair. The former Jakarta governor was expecting a special guest: former President Suharto. When the guest arrived, the two old men didn’t show any sign of awkwardness. Walking unsteadily, Suharto slowly approached to greet his host. Suharto brought with him some fruits and as he pressed the gift int


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