
THE recommendation from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to revoke the permits of two television stations that have become 'spokesmen' for presidential and vice-presidential candidates deserves support. Unfortunately this recommendation has run up against the brick wall of the Communications and Information Ministry.

Frequency bands are public property, and are limited in number. Anyone can publish a newspaper and distribute it wherever they want to, but they cannot simply broadcast television or radio signals because the frequencies used are determined by the 'lessor' according to the law. The KPI regularly carries out evaluations to determine whether to extend or revoke licenses. The yardstick used is compliance with regulations.

June 17, 2014

THE recommendation from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to revoke the permits of two television stations that have become 'spokesmen' for presidential and vice-presidential candidates deserves support. Unfortunately this recommendation has run up against the brick wall of the Communications and Information Ministry.

Frequency bands are public property, and are limited in number. Anyone can publish a newspaper and distribute it whereve


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