The Killing

IF the executions of inmates convicted of drug-related crimes were simply aimed at creating sensationalism and popularity, then the government has achieved its goal. But the 'benefits' derived from this cheap politicking have resulted in a significant disadvantage. President Joko Widodo has turned Indonesia into a sadistic nation.

Just look at the global reaction to this policy. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon even said that there is no place for the death penalty in the 21st century. There have been strong reactions from other countries. Australia, which withdrew its ambassador from Jakarta, was stunned by the deaths of its citizens, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, who were shot along with six other condemned inmates at Nusakambangan last week.

May 5, 2015

IF the executions of inmates convicted of drug-related crimes were simply aimed at creating sensationalism and popularity, then the government has achieved its goal. But the 'benefits' derived from this cheap politicking have resulted in a significant disadvantage. President Joko Widodo has turned Indonesia into a sadistic nation.

Just look at the global reaction to this policy. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon even said that there is


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