A Dangerous Ban in Salatiga

The banning of Lentera, a student magazine, by the Salatiga Satya Wancana Christian University authorities was an overreaction. This type of ban should not happen at a university, which should uphold academic liberty and freedom of expression.

The university leaders said that they had banned the edition of Lentera published at the beginning of October because the editorial team had not consulted them beforehand on the contents of the magazine with the cover story titled 'the Red City of Salatiga'. In addition to sounding contrived, this reminds us of the 'censorship tradition' common during the New Order regime. Furthermore, the university authorities only asked for the magazine to be withdrawn after meeting with the mayor, the police and military officials in Salatiga, Central Java.

October 27, 2015

The banning of Lentera, a student magazine, by the Salatiga Satya Wancana Christian University authorities was an overreaction. This type of ban should not happen at a university, which should uphold academic liberty and freedom of expression.

The university leaders said that they had banned the edition of Lentera published at the beginning of October because the editorial team had not consulted them beforehand on the contents of the magazine with


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