(Dis)united They Stand

Often, President Joko Widodo's cabinet appears more like a comedy act than a government, particularly when its ministers squabble in public. The recent increase in public differences of opinion over a number of issues gives the impression that the bonds between ministers are weak, and this in turn could lead to the reluctant conclusion that they are a manifestation of weak leadership.

The most controversial figure in the cabinet is Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Resources Rizal Ramli. Since his appointment last August to replace Indroyono Soesilo, he has repeatedly been involved in arguments with other cabinet members. Only a day after he was sworn in, he found himself in a war of words with State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno over Garuda's purchase of wide-bodied jets. He then sparred on the mass media withastonishinglyVice President Jusuf Kalla.

March 8, 2016

Often, President Joko Widodo's cabinet appears more like a comedy act than a government, particularly when its ministers squabble in public. The recent increase in public differences of opinion over a number of issues gives the impression that the bonds between ministers are weak, and this in turn could lead to the reluctant conclusion that they are a manifestation of weak leadership.

The most controversial figure in the cabinet is Coordinating Min


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