Getting a Kick from FIFA's Reform

HAVING frozen the All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI), the government needs to ensure that our soccer reform happens before the suspension is revoked. The youth and sports minister must conduct an in-depth investigation into the many aspects of the revocation. Reforms, a big initiative to boost our performance and cleanse our soccer of bribery, score fixing and gambling mafia, are non-negotiable.

Without a guarantee that a reform will take place, lifting PSSI's suspension will only perpetuate the association's old regime, which seems to be against reforms. Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi does not need to bend when he is pressured into lifting the suspension although PSSI has been inert for almost a year, since April 2015. The argument of those who want the suspension revokedso that FIFA will lift its sanction on Indonesiais no longer relevant. In fact, contrary to the information given by parties campaigning for lifting the suspension, Indonesia's problem was not discussed at all at FIFA's special congress in Zurich on February 26.

March 8, 2016

HAVING frozen the All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI), the government needs to ensure that our soccer reform happens before the suspension is revoked. The youth and sports minister must conduct an in-depth investigation into the many aspects of the revocation. Reforms, a big initiative to boost our performance and cleanse our soccer of bribery, score fixing and gambling mafia, are non-negotiable.

Without a guarantee that a reform will take pl


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