The Other Side of China

The pursuit of the Chinese-flagged fishing boat Kway Fey two weeks ago in the Natuna Sea has turned into a diplomatic incident. And tensions remain high.

There would have not been a problem if the armed Chinese coastguard vessel Number 3184 had not entered the waters of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone. Matters became more serious when this vessel rammed the Kway Fey to prevent the crew of the Indonesian ship Hiu Macan 11 from detaining the crew of the illegal boat. The damaged Kway Fey was eventually towed away by the Chinese coastguard vessel.

March 29, 2016

The pursuit of the Chinese-flagged fishing boat Kway Fey two weeks ago in the Natuna Sea has turned into a diplomatic incident. And tensions remain high.

There would have not been a problem if the armed Chinese coastguard vessel Number 3184 had not entered the waters of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone. Matters became more serious when this vessel rammed the Kway Fey to prevent the crew of the Indonesian ship Hiu Macan 11 from detaining the cr


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