Kartini's Legacy

Emancipation means being freed from all shackles. Almost a century and a half ago, the struggle of Dewi Sartika and R.A. Kartini was limited to women's right to education. We still feel the fruits of their struggle to this day. Women now have extensive access to education, from elementary school to university.

But, in the words of poet Chairil Anwar, "The work is not yet done, there is nothing yet." According to data released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), only 10.5 percent of urban women graduated from university in 2015. In the countryside, the figure was even worse: less than 3.3 percent. The figures were about the same for men. This means the road to educational emancipation is still long for both sexes.

April 19, 2016

Emancipation means being freed from all shackles. Almost a century and a half ago, the struggle of Dewi Sartika and R.A. Kartini was limited to women's right to education. We still feel the fruits of their struggle to this day. Women now have extensive access to education, from elementary school to university.

But, in the words of poet Chairil Anwar, "The work is not yet done, there is nothing yet." According to data released by the Central Statistic


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