Compromising With Tax Evaders

It was truly amusing to see the conduct of Ade Komarudin and Setya Novanto in their responses to the tax amnesty bill submitted by the government. The two Golkar legislators busily lobbied faction leaders at the leadership of the House of Representatives (DPR) to determine who would lead the discussions.

DPR speaker Ade Komarudin asked that the tax amnesty bill be discussed by the finance and banking commission, while Golkar faction chief Setya Novanto wanted it to discussed by a special committee. It is fair to suspect that this was the result of the competition between the two men who are currently vying for the Golkar Party chairmanship. But this is not what concerns the public.

April 19, 2016

It was truly amusing to see the conduct of Ade Komarudin and Setya Novanto in their responses to the tax amnesty bill submitted by the government. The two Golkar legislators busily lobbied faction leaders at the leadership of the House of Representatives (DPR) to determine who would lead the discussions.

DPR speaker Ade Komarudin asked that the tax amnesty bill be discussed by the finance and banking commission, while Golkar faction chief Setya No


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