Peaceful Pesantren

When the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) declared that at least 19 pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) showed evidence of teaching radical thought, we realized just how critical the situation had become. Those 'radical' schools can be found in Jakarta, Cirebon, Ciamis, Cilacap, Solo, Lamongan, Aceh, Makassar, Poso and North Lombok.

Statistically, the figure is almost meaningless, given that some 28,000 pesantren can be found throughout the nation's 33 provinces, attended by about four million Islamic students. However, radicalism-particularly of the kind that has hardened and manifested itself in terrorism-is not just a matter of statistics. Its scope is difficult to grasp, particularly when it is most likely infused with flammable factors such as social injustice.

July 5, 2016

When the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) declared that at least 19 pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) showed evidence of teaching radical thought, we realized just how critical the situation had become. Those 'radical' schools can be found in Jakarta, Cirebon, Ciamis, Cilacap, Solo, Lamongan, Aceh, Makassar, Poso and North Lombok.

Statistically, the figure is almost meaningless, given that some 28,000 pesantren can be found throughout th


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