Election's Surprise

VOTERS behaviour is not something that can be predicted easily, as seen in the 2018 regional head elections. Candidates who were regarded as underdogs by surveys ended up garnering significant votes according to quick-count resultsalthough this did not necessarily mean that all of them ended up as winners.


July 3, 2018


Sudirman Said and his running mate Ida Fauziyah, candidates for Central Java governor and deputy governor, were one example. Prior to election day, most survey agencies predicted that the pairing would get no more than 20 percent of the votes. Quick count, however, suggests that they managed to receive 40 percent-only 17 percent behind Ganjar Pranowo and his running mate Taj Yasin.

Another example is the quick count result for the Sudrajat-Ahmad


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July 3, 2018


July 3, 2018


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July 3, 2018