The Challenge of Changing Behavior

In the past 10 years, the number of AIDS cases in Indonesia has continued to rise. The Health Department says that most HIV cases are found in Papua, while West Java has the most AIDS cases. A joint report by UNAIDS and WHO in 2003 indicates that Indonesia has one of the fastest-growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. The National AIDS Commission predicts the number will keep rising until 2020. What is wrong with the prevention efforts?

February 10, 2009

SECRETARY of the National AIDS Commission (NAC), Nafsiah Mboi, said more resources are needed to cover the huge size of Indonesia. To date, 214 municipalities have reported HIV/AIDS cases. The commission cannot cover them all. The number of cases increases at a faster rate than the resources.

Furthermore, Nafsiah says that the biggest challenge in preventive efforts is in changing people’s behavior, especially among key populations or those who


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