Mulling Over Coral Reefs

Delegates from around 150 countries are attending the World Ocean Conference in Manado this week. The issue of global warming again is the main theme. Global warming as the cause of climate change is believed to threaten life in the sea. They will deliberate commitments and joint efforts to rescue marine biota serving as the pillar of existence in the undersea realm: corals.

May 12, 2009

MINI sandbanks reaching the height of an adult’s waist stood along several lines of Jamursba Medi Beach, north of the Bird’s Head zone, West Papua. When the banks disappear and the beach is again sloping, the egg-laying season for leatherback turtles is at its peak. “The banks arise from annual abrasion, which will again be sloping,” said a conservation activist of World Wildlife Fund Indonesia, Aulia Rahman. Consequently, the white-sand


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