Affected by Maternal Deaths
Various government programs are unable to reduce the number of maternal deaths. Medical personnel in remote areas are still far from adequate. In some areas, a breakthrough has been made through a traditional-modern midwives partnership program which produces significantly positive results. What are the main health problems of women at childbirth, particularly in eastern Indonesia? Tempo English Edition reports from East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi.
May 5, 2010
ONE night in Bikolan hamlet, Kolhua village, on the outskirts of the town of Kupang, a woman, Dorkas Bistole, was fighting for her life when giving birth to her fifth child. The placenta was left in the uterus (retensio placenta), that is, the baby had been born but the placenta was stuck in her womb. The dukun (traditional midwife) who assisted the labor was unable to bring out the placenta. And Dorkas needed medical help as there was post-natal