Women Warriors

International Women's Day on March 8 recognizes brave women fighting for a better future. Although many women in Indonesia still face discrimination, domestic violence and marginalization, a few good women achieve small but significant victories. In Bali, traditional laws banning women from inheriting property were recently rendered null and void. In East Nusa Tenggara, a new women's group emerged to help victims of domestic violence, and in Southeast Sulawesi a special school was built to help women become politically aware. These are the stories of women fighting for change in their communities. A special report for Tempo English Edition.

March 16, 2011

The Fruits of Struggle

After over a decade's struggle, women in Bali are finally entitled to inherit property. They toppled a 110-year-old tradition.

NOT quite 19 years old, Gek Ela Kumala Parwita was worried about her future husband. Some day she would have to be married with the status of Nyentana. With this status, she would become a Purusa or holder of lineage normally held by the male side. "It's because I'm an only female child," she told Tempo la


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