Bounty from Seaweed

The potential benefits of seaweed in this country are immense. This is supported by the fact that Indonesia has the second-longest shoreline in the world and 80 percent of its territory consists of the sea. Not surprisingly, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry is predicting that by 2014 farmers will be producing 10 million tons of seaweed. Many regions, for the most part in eastern Indonesia, have benefitted greatly from this bounty. How do seaweed farmers adjust to market and price uncertainties while improving quality? In recognition of its huge potential, Indonesia will host the 21st International Seaweed Symposium in 2013. Tempo English Edition reports from Bali and South Sulawesi.

May 4, 2011

Cultivating Success

SEAWEED cultivation succeeded in relieving poverty in Kutuh village, South Kuta. The area located in Badung regency, Bali, has several times won national awards.

Dilapidated huts and modest brick buildings lie side by side along the shore of Kutuh Beach, South Kuta, in Badung regency. Farmers are busily sieving and cleaning seaweed just lifted from the sea. Rubbish and sand sticking to the seaweed are removed before it is d


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