The Return of Sumbawa's Sultan

After waiting for eight decades, the people of Sumbawa and West Sumbawa finally got their traditional sovereign back: the people-oriented Sultan Daeng Muhammad Abdurrahman Kaharuddin. Last April, in an ornate and colorful ceremony, Kaharuddin was crowned Sumbawa's 17th sultan. Much hope has been placed on the 70-year old retired banker, who is expected to be an exemplary community leader and revive the near-vanishing local culture and tradition, so that the people's welfare can be improved as the island opens its doors to tourism. Tempo English Edition contributor Yuli Andari and photographer Edy Susanto sent this unique report and pictures from Sumbawa.

June 22, 2011

THE morning April sun had not fully risen by 6 am. Nevertheless, a great deal of activity was visible at the Bala Kuning Palace, freshly decorated a few days before. Its uniquely yellow and dark brown-colored decorations radiated brightness and hope. Bells rang out continually in the distance. "God Almighty! I hear the bells ringing again after so many years," said Husin, a resident of Brangbara village in Sumbawa. The bell ringing marked the star


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